Monday, October 17, 2011

watch The Three Musketeers online

Young, ambitious, d'Artagnan goes to Paris to seek his fortune, a letter of introduction to Mr. de Fontana, captain of the musketeers of the king. And 'passionate and proud, and his first stop at an inn, you have to fight for a noble, who makes fun of his horse. Thugs beat man D'Artagnan, but when he returns to consciousness, he sees a man who speaks of a beautiful woman in the transport sector, calling her "my lady", before leaving. When he checked his belongings, he discovers that the man has stolen his letters with the introduction.

One goes to see the Fountain of anyway, and is impressed by the dash and swagger all that sees the Musketeers De Fountain Head Office. Fontana says, will help de d'Artagnan, but can not prove its worth before the Musketeers, D'Artagnan so does a member of the King's guards, the station, which will allow him to prove himself worthy. D'Artagnan sees the enemy of the inn, "The Man from Meung" and ends up attacking him. Along the way, he inadvertently insults Athos, Porthos and Aramis, The Three Musketeers, and each one challenges him to a duel during the day.

When it comes to the ground battle, musketeers are surprised that they are all designed to fight the same guy. However, D'Artagnan is the word of a man, and is determined to fight even though he knows that probably will kill him. This courage and honor to convince them. When the battle is about to begin, the Cardinal guards in place to stop the Musketeers because dueling is against the law. Related Musketeers D'Artagnan, and they all beat the guards. Musketeers are impressed with this and accept it into their circle.

watch The Three Musketeers online

King Louis XIII to hear about the fight and asks to meet D'Artagnan, but not at home when they come to see it. To head off the tennis court, where D'Artagnan gets in a fight with one of the guards of the cardinal. He won again. Meet the King the next day, and praised his loyalty and courage and gives a reward to D'Artagnan.

They spend money for a sumptuous dinner and a servant of D'Artagnan. Planche is a faithful, intelligent man, the perfect servant. Others are the servants of Athos has Grimaud, the man totally silent, Porthos is Mousqueton, who shares his taste for luxury, and Aramis has Bazin, who is a devout man, and wants to stop the Musketeers Aramis and a priest.

A stranger, Mr. Bona, this D'Artagnan at home and asks for help. His wife, a lady in waiting to Queen Anne, was removed, probably because she may know something about the case of the Queen with the Duke of Buckingham. Bona is the owner of D'Artagnan, then he agrees to help him in exchange for free rent. They kidnap the man of Meung, d'Artagnan the enemy. D'Artagnan sees the man and runs after him but loses it again.

The other three musketeers agree that should help Bonacieux, as it will help the Queen and annoy the cardinal, who is your enemy.

A group of guards showed up to arrest Cardinal Bona's, and D'Artagnan allows them to take him. The Musketeers can not afford to be involved in this arrest, they have bigger plans. The police then wait Bonacieux apartment and questioning everyone who comes to visit him while D'Artagnan spy of his apartment. When Ms. Bona happens, however, he saves her from their clutches and takes him to the house of Athos. She said that men Cardinal was kidnapped and she escaped. She has important things to do for the queen, so d'Artagnan takes her back to the castle. Meanwhile, he was in love with it. He realizes that he can not be questioned about what he did that night, so he goes to visit M. de Treville, and he has an alibi. It changes Treville Treville clock to think d'Artagnan was with him when he was really the fight against the guards of the cardinal.

The Three Musketeers online megavideo

The Three Musketeers, published in 1844-1845, is typical of the works of Dumas: silly heroes who fight and love always, fast-paced narrative and dialogue entertaining. In its romantic theme, the book is typical of his time, which is not typical is that it has survived and is still entertaining and accessible to modern readers.

The novel was adapted for the screen sixty spin-offs and has sold millions of copies in hundreds of languages ​​around the world. Despite the fact that it is very long and is full of improbable events, characters larger than life and exaggerated dialogue or because of these properties, it is a fast, exciting read, and still feel fresh and entertaining, despite the long time elapsed since it was written.

The Three Musketeers online megavideo

The story is taken from a series of original historical sources, including The Memoirs of M. d'Artagnan the Courtils Sandraz an amorous intrigues and Policies of the Heart of France, memories of the events of the time where the novel takes place. Collaborator of Dumas, Auguste Maquet, brought him an approximate scenario for a book set during the reign of King Louis XIII and with the king, Queen Anne, Cardinal Richelieu and the Duke of Buckingham. This scenario, taken from events in the original sources, has been developed by Dumas to be the Three Musketeers. According to records kept by the library of Marseille, Dumas checked Memoirs of M. d'Artagnan, and never returned. Because the works of Dumas have become so popular for a long time, it was not considered a "serious" writer. But in recent years, more attention is given to him because his work laid the foundation for the bourgeois drama, when he brought history alive for a large segment of the population that would otherwise have no interest in it, and when he created a new kind of love story.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Three Musketeers online

The year is 1625. Young D'Artagnan arrives in Paris at the tender age of 18 years, and almost immediately offends three musketeers, Porthos, Aramis and Athos. Instead of mourning, the four are attacked by five guards of the cardinal, and courage of the youth is evident in battle. The four friends soon become, and, when asked by D'Artagnan's landlord to find his missing wife, embark on an adventure that takes them through France and England, to thwart the plans of Cardinal Richelieu. On the way, they meet a beautiful young spy, named simply Milady, who will stop at nothing to disgrace Queen Anne of Austria before her husband, Louis XIII, and revenge on the four friends.

The Three Musketeers online

Dumas, the most famous books, and colorful ... In 1625, a young man named d'Artagnan Gascony sent to Paris to his father's name of the Musketeers and the pedal and the footprints of a Monsieur de Fontana, who also went to Paris as a young man from Gascony, and is now captain the king's musketeers. Some great goals from D'Artagnan, but it is a young man of 18 years, is too hasty, and forced a lot of problems. Meet new friends, the legendary noble Athos, Porthos and Aramis dedicated to cunning. Saddled with a useless king Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu was forced to govern the country itself, but my Lady, Queen Anne of Austria (wife of Louis XIII) and her lover Georges de Villiers, Buckingham, ambassador of King Charles I 'England are not ready to leave an easy ride and a civil war between Catholics and Protestants is looming. The signs of this book are so realistic and the dialogue so real you can feel when they read and laugh out loud comedy role. Some scenes are so convincing that you can not stop reading until the story ends and you're happy to start twenty years.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Three Musketeers

There are luscious possibilities to be had in the notion of a gearpunk Three Musketeers. Da Vinci’s vault, for one. This movie posits a secret hiding place in Venice in which Leonardo da Vinci hid all his plans for cool crap that his contemporaries weren’t ready for. Did I mention it’s in Venice in the 17th century? Cuz it is. And gorgeous guys with amazing accents wearing deeply sexy leather and wielding swords and awesome facial hair have to bust in and steal the coolest of da Vinci’s plans, like, say, for a dirigible warship. How could any of this be a bad thing?

From this apparently unfuckupable beginning, which The Three Musketeers fucks up -- da Vinci’s vault gets completely destroyed, for one, and no one even stops to wonder if hey, guys, this might be a bad idea, it’s, you know, da Vinci’s vault -- said flick continues to fuck up what should have been a no-brainer. This should have been the next Pirates of the Caribbean: funny, sexy, raucous adventure with a wink and pinch and some good flirting and some neato dueling and just a whole buncha goofy nonsense. Instead it is leaden where it should be light. It steals shamelessly from The Princess Bride and The Empire Strikes Back without understanding what makes those movies work so gloriously. It is graceless and charmless. It reels from the painful banter. It is the epitome of empty soulless corporate filmmaking.

It is directed by Paul W.S. Anderson (Resident Evil: Afterlife, Death Race) as if he were crafting a theme-park ride instead of a story.

It is in 3D.

If Alexandre Dumas wrote a Resident Evil movie, this is what it would look like. He’d kill himself afterward, but this is what it would look like.

Holy shit, this is a terrible, terrible movie. It takes an hour to get itself into gear. It has the splendidness of the entire Renaissance as its playground, plus the additional fantastical elements of gearpunk, and the best it can come up with is jokes about bird shit. (I blame screenwriter Alex Litvak for this, because he also wrote the pointless and charmless Predators. It’s hard to imagine that the other credited screenwriter, Andrew Davies, had anything at all to do with this very very bad movie: he’s the guy who write all those breathless plummy BBC adaptations of classic novels, like the best Pride and Prejudice ever. I bet his Three Musketeers would rock.) It completely inverts the plot about the French queen (here played to little avail by Juno Temple: Year One, The Other Boleyn Girl), turning her into a dupe instead of an active player in her own life. It reduces the role of Milady de Winter (Milla Jovovich: Stone, The Fourth Kind), making her sassy instead of dangerous. It wastes the delicious talents of both Christoph Waltz (Water for Elephants, The Green Hornet), as Cardinal Richelieu, and Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, Kingdom of Heaven), as the Duke of Buckingham, as villains. It diminishes our iconic triumvirate of musketeers -- Matthew Macfadyen (Robin Hood, Frost/Nixon) as Athos, Luke Evans (Clash of the Titans) as Aramis, and Ray Stevenson (Thor, The Other Guys) as Porthos -- by turning them into the Three Stooges.